We have taken every measure to ensure that this site complies with federal law. Differing State legislation changes so rapidly and varies so much that it is impossible for us to keep current. There is no intention to sell items that are illegal in your state, but there is no possible way we can ensure that every item we sell will be legal for you to own. It is up to you, the consumer, to ensure that the item you purchase from us is legal in your state for you to own.

All items left in ADCO’s possession for more than 12 months from the date of purchase or delivery, will be charged a $10 storage fee for each week the item remains unclaimed.

All sales are final, there are NO returns on any firearms, parts or accessories.  On special occasions,  purchased items(firearms excluded) in their original, unopened packages may be exchanged for store credit.

Copyright ©2025 ADCO Firearms, LLC

Availability and pricing of all products are subject to change without notice.

All sales are final, there are NO returns on any firearms, parts or accessories.
On special occasions, purchased items (firearms excluded) in their original, unopened packages may be exchanged for store credit.